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Does my cat need a friend?

Does my cat need a friend?

While you may think that your cat that your cat is perfectly content on their own, did you know that they actually prefer having company? Here, our Thornton vets talk about how to tell if your cat wants another cat and what to consider before bringing a new feline friend into the mix.

Does my indoor cat need a friend?

If your cat is suddenly acting differently than usual and they don't have a medical reason for the change then they may just be feeling lonely. For example, if they've developed erratic eating or sleeping patterns, loneliness may be the culprit. 

So, if you're wondering 'Does my cat need a friend?', the answer may lie in the signs and behaviors they are showing. Some of the typical signs we see when a cat is lonely include:

Your Cat is Sleeping More Than Usual

If your cat's sleeping more than usual. If your cat isn't spending time with you like they used to it may be because he's feeling lonely and has become melancholy. However, similar to other significant shifts in habits, it's critical to bring your cat to our Thornton vets for a wellness exam to rule out any medical issues before looking for a new cat to help correct this issue. 

They Are Grooming More Than Necessary

Cats turn to grooming as a method of self-soothing. If your cat is unhappy or if they are suffering from a medical condition they may begin to overgroom.  If your cat has been displaying peculiar grooming habits, don't assume he's lonely, as this may point to a potential medical condition. 

Some cats may stop grooming for the same reasons as above, which could indicate that she's sad or lonely, but we recommend consulting a vet first. 

You Notice They Are Following You Everywhere

Does your cat seem to be glued to your side? Becoming a nuisance to get your attention? If your kitty won't leave you alone, he may need more social interaction. This very demanding demeanor may be a sign of separation concerns. 

Your Kitty Isn't Using the Litter Box

When cats are affected emotionally, it can manifest in a number of ways such as the sudden occurrence of them neglecting to use the litter box when relieving themselves. If your kitty was previously trained to use the litter box but starts to pee in other areas of the house, we recommend letting your vet know right away. Because cats are creatures of habit, changes in routine are like an engine warning light on your car – head to the professionals to get to the bottom of the issue. 

Their Appetite Has Changed Noticeably

A change in eating habits is a common indicator of boredom in cats. This is a trait that we share with our feline friends. Alternatively, the cat may stop eating because she or he is depressed. A change in eating patterns, on the other hand, may suggest a medical problem, so discuss it with your vet first.

How to Successfully Bring a New Cat Into Your Home

Once your cat has been seen by a vet and they've determined that there are no health concerns then you can look into adding a new cat to your home.

When you decide to add another cat to your home it will take some finesse to ensure that everyone gets along well. Here are some of the ways you can make the introductions a success:

  • How is your cat getting along with the other cats in the neighborhood? If your cat dislikes other cats entering their territory and becomes agitated or angry when this occurs, it could be a hint that they would not accept sharing their home with another cat. Bengals, for example, are ideally suited to being sole cats.
  • Cats who are related get along better than cats that are not related.
  • Younger cats are more likely than older cats to accept new feline members of the household.
  • Because of the lack of hormones, neutered cats get along considerably better than unneutered cats.
  • Is your house large enough to give each cat their own space where they can get away from other cats if they want to?

What if you have two cats and one passes away?

If you have two cats and one of them passes away then you will likely consider getting another cat to replace them and keep the remaining cat company. We recommend giving your surviving cat some time to adjust to life without their mate before obtaining a new cat or kitten.

Cats have particular social needs, so even if they have lived contentedly beside another cat for many years, they may not feel the need for another partner.

How to Know That the Cats Are Getting Along

You may be curious about how you'll know if the cats get along. Don't worry, they will make it clear if they are happy being in each other's company Grooming each other, sleeping, or lying next to each other are examples of these indicators. They may regularly greet each other by touching noses or making a little meow as they pass.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet for an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition. 

    Does your cat appear to be lonely? Contact our Thornton vets to schedule an appointment to rule out any health issues before bringing home a new friend. 

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